Board of Directors

City of Capitola
420 Capitola Ave.
Capitola, CA 95010
Jamie Goldstein
Phone: (831) 475-7300
Email: jgoldstein@ci.capitola.ca.us
City of Del Rey Oaks
650 Canyon Del Rey Rd.
Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940
John Guertin
Phone: (831) 394-8511
Email: jguertin@delreyoaks.org 
City of Gonzales
147 Fourth St.
Gonzales, CA 93926
Carmen Gil 
Phone: (831) 675-5000
Email: cgil@ci.gonzales.ca.us
City of Greenfield
599 El Camino Real
P.O. Box 127
Greenfield, CA 93927
Paul Wood
Phone: (831) 674-5591
Email: pwood@ci.greenfield.ca.us
City of Hollister
375 Fifth Street
Hollister, CA 95023
David Mirrione
Phone: (831) 636-4301 x1127
Email: david.mirrione@hollister.ca.gov 
City of King City
212 So. Vanderhurst Ave.
King City, CA 93930
Steve Adams
Phone: (831) 386-5917
Email: sadams@kingcity.com
City of Marina
211 Hillcrest Ave.
Marina, CA 93933
Layne Long
Phone: (831) 884-1281
Email: llong@cityofmarina.org
City of Sand City
1 Pendergrass Way
Sand City, CA 93955
Vibeke Norgaard
Phone: (831) 394-3054
Email: vibeke@sandcityca.org
City of Scotts Valley
One Civic Center Dr.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Mali LaGoe
Phone: (831) 440-5606
Email: mlagoe@scottsvalley.gov
City of Soledad
248 Main St.
Soledad, CA 93960
Megan Hunter
Phone: (831) 223-5043
Email: mhunter@cityofsoledad.com